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Welcome to our blog, providing a platform to showcase the wide variety of research, knowledge exchange and teaching activities that contribute to the life of the OU Law School.

If you would like to contribute a blog, please contact us.

Please note that views expressed in these blog posts are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the OU Law School. 

Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

A blog post by Gillian Mawdsley discussing the theme of "Ordinary People" which is the UK's theme to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day 2023.  

25th January 2023
Image of Stellenbosch university

Learning from a global nation of law tutors

A blog post on Carol Edwards and her colleague Liz Hardie's trip to South Africa to give a presentation based around supporting online students to engage in the development of peer support communities.

25th January 2023

Looking for environment rights within children’s rights

A Blog post by Dr Fiona MacDonald on how over time, global issues change and a United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child was created. The Convention was a significant step for the recognition of children’s rights and took a decade of discussion and compromise to draft, finally being adopted in 1989.

17th January 2023

Sharing our experiences of online clinical legal education

Clinical legal education involves law students learning about the law through real or simulated cases. Read Liz Hardie's blog post on how the Law School embraces this issue.

13th January 2023

Prospects for AI Powered Justice

A blog post by Paul Troop on how a new chat-based implementation of an artificial intelligence (AI) project is making waves 

This is a huge step in the field of legal adjudication by computers. 

6th January 2023

Five research questions answered!

A blog post by Fred Motson on something directly relevant to law students - research sources! 

5th January 2023

DIY Distance Learning

 A blog post by Sarah Henderson and Ben Trupia-Melluish on exploring how engagement with online resources forms a key part of students learning journey. 

16th December 2022

How many hats?

Blog post by Ben Trupia-Melluish on how many hats he has worn at his time at The Open University.

Does wearing multiple hats make you more employable?

13th December 2022

How would you use time travel?

Blog post by Claire Maguire - An interesting proposition to contemplate – what would you do differently if you could turn back the clocks?

Would we all choose the winning lottery numbers so our time was our own? Or take a completely different fork in the road? 

7th December 2022

Business and human rights, modern slavery and sustainable development

A blog post by Prof. Natalia Szablewska reflecting on the 11th UN Forum on Business and Human Rights theme ‘Rights holders at the centre: Strengthening accountability to advance business respect for people and planet in the next decade’. 

1st December 2022