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Contact the OU Law School

How to find us

Postal address: The Open University Law School, Michael Young Building, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA

The nearest parking for the Michael Young Building is the South West Parking area, opposite the building and clearly signposted. Use MK7 6BB for sat-navs. Parking is free across the campus; disabled bays and electric car charging bays are available.


Enquiries for current students
Contact OULS academics
Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education contributions
Press office enquiries

For student enquiries or contact details not represented in the list, please visit the main OU contact page.

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News and blog posts

Hands in heart shape

Managing self-care as a researcher when investigating sensitive feminist topics with qualitative research

In this blogpost, PhD student Georgia Boyd, provides her top 3 tips for managing your emotional health when researching challenging topics.

24th July 2024
See all news and blogs

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