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Welcome to our blog, providing a platform to showcase the wide variety of research, knowledge exchange and teaching activities that contribute to the life of the OU Law School.

If you would like to contribute a blog, please contact us.

Please note that views expressed in these blog posts are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the OU Law School. 

Women working in the judiciary system

A blog post by Law student Rachel Lafferty discussing the representation of women judges in the UK judiciary system.

28th July 2023

BBC Parole Board: Shedding a light on parole decision-making and academic consultancy

This blog by Dr Sophie Doherty and Dr Neil Graffin provides an overview of the Parole series which aried on BBC2 in Spring 2023. They highlight what the series sought to do within the wider context of increasing the transparency of the parole-decision making process, and what the role of an academic consultant is in relation to our involvement with the programme. 

23rd June 2023

Trauma v The legal profession. Who will win? Time for you to be the judge

A blog post by Jason Passfield on the emotional and psychological impact of exposure to vicarious trauma.

20th June 2023

Social Welfare Law - What is it?

A blog post by Gary Steel discussing his passion for his work in Social welfare law and how his work allows access to justice to everyone despite their financial means.

14th June 2023
rule of law image

The interdependence of the rule of law with the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion

This blog by Jessica Giles briefly explains the approach to the rule of law within international compliance mechanisms. 

22nd May 2023
image of a drone

Drones and Legal Challenges

This blog aims to offer an overview of the current drone regulations in the UK, highlighting legal concerns that may arise from future advancements in the miniaturisation of drones.

2nd May 2023

A symposium of co-creation

A blog post by Carol Edwards and Liz Hardie sharing their experience of attending the Advance HE symposium on co-creation in Manchester. 

25th April 2023

Does the wholly unjustified practice and policy of stereotype racial profiling by the Metropolitan Police still exist?

A blog post by Dr Shaun Wallace posing the question.. is there a widespread problem of racial profiling within the Metropolitan Police?  

25th April 2023

Reintegration Services for children recruited or used by Armed Forces or Armed Groups in Afghanistan

Armed forces and armed groups are a global issue and thousands of children are recruited to fight in armed conflict in some of the most in-conflict countries around the world. What protective and reintegration services are needed to protect these children and prevent their re-recruitment?

20th April 2023

Diary of a legal wannabe - The Old Bailey

In our latest blog post, law student Heather Gilland shares her experience of visiting The Old Bailey as part of an OU Law Society trip.

13th April 2023