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Addressing climate change is not just an environmental issue; it is one of social justice

Gillian Mawdsley is an OU Associate Lecturer, based in Glasgow and is attending COP26 as one of the chosen representatives of The Open University

1st November 2021
Open Justice Logo

Open Justice Awards 2021

Each year, The Open University Law School celebrates the exceptional achievements of our high calibre students. Prizes were awarded by the Open Justice centre to commend their highest achieving students in 2021.

22nd October 2021
Anthony Brown

Meet the OU Law graduate using his degree to support fellow Windrush survivors

When Anthony Brown first applied for university aged 21, he was almost deported. Decades later, after achieving a Law degree with The Open University, Anthony is using his skills to passionately fight for others affected by the Windrush scandal.

6th October 2021
What is international law?

Spotlight on international law… and learning English

The Open University worked in collaboration with BBC Learning English and now the BBC’s free-to-access Learning English website is streaming a series of short 5-10-minute videos.

6th October 2021
Wedding welcome sign

What's wrong with weddings?

According to Dr Stephanie Pywell, there is quite a lot wrong with the law that governs weddings, some of which existed before Queen Victoria ascended the throne.

9th September 2021
A photo of a woman crouched down and covering her face on the floor

Domestic homicides remain stable during lockdown but still an enduring problem says new report commissioned by police

Domestic homicides remain an ‘entrenched and enduring problem’ despite figures remaining relatively stable during lockdown, a new report drawing on research by an OU academic and commissioned by police has found.

26th August 2021
Geronimo is an eight year-old alpaca who has twice tested positive for bovine tuberculosis

Geronimo the alpaca – the case for animals having the same legal rights as people

The fate of Geronimo the alpaca was seemingly sealed in the UK’s high court recently when the appeal against an order to slaughter him was rejected.

18th August 2021

Business School’s triple accreditation status confirmed for another three years

The Open University Business School has retained its coveted ‘triple crown’ status until 2024 following an unprecedented period of activity and a bumper year of virtual reaccreditation visits.

13th August 2021

Innovation adopted during COVID-19 is now “business as usual” according to OU research

The Leading school learning through COVID-19 and beyond project, led by Dr Jacqueline Baxter, together with Dr Katharine Jewitt and University of Reading colleague Professor Alan Floyd, are investigating online learning and strategic planning through, and post, lockdown in English secondary schools.

10th August 2021
Photo of  Elizabeth Hill

OU Law student secures top prize on journey to becoming barrister

After suffering a personal trauma, Open University (OU) Law student Elizabeth Hill found solace in her studies and the inspiration for a new career. At 23, she’s now on a journey to becoming a barrister and is driven to pursue a career at the Bar so she can advocate for others.

5th August 2021

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Law in Motion: 50 Years of Legal Change

Law in Motion book cover

This book is a celebration of 50 Years of The Open University written by members of the Law School.

Read for free