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Education for justice

Award success for OU’s Open Justice Centre

The Education for Justice initiative (E4J) of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in which The Open University has played a pivotal role, has won the United Nations Secretary-General 2020 Innovation award.

24th March 2021
The Detectives Series 3

OU/BBC co-production The Detectives: Fighting Organised Crime returns for a new series

A new series co-produced between the BBC and The Open University offers viewers a fascinating insight into the dark and brutal world of organised crime.

23rd March 2021
Becoming a Barrister course image

A practical guide on ‘Becoming a Barrister’

Dr Emma Jones (an Associate Lecturer and a previous OU Teaching Director for Law who is now at the University of Sheffield) and Senior Lecturer in Law Dr Neil Graffin have helped co-author a suite of free online resources with The Inner Temple.

11th March 2021

The value of small and local charities …. in a big crisis

The Business Schools Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership (CVSL) is part of a research team, funded by the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales, which has launched The Value of Small in a Big Crisis report. 

5th March 2021
Image of Dr Jamie Woodcock

OUBS expert speaks to House of Lords Covid-19 Committee’s inquiry

Dr Jamie Woodcock made several recommendations when he was invited to give oral evidence at the House of Lords Covid-19 Committee inquiry. 

2nd March 2021
International Women's Day logo

International Women's Day

To support International Women’s Day we have put together a number of resources, including events and news articles for women’s rights.

24th February 2021
Image of Bitcoin currency

How much fuel does it take to send crypto to the moooonn?

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has been at it again. At what, exactly? He’s using his not insignificant social media presence (46.5 million followers) to endorse cryptocurrencies, notably Bitcoin and Dogecoin, helping to drive their price and value up, up, and away.

12th February 2021
Image of the NASA Mars rover

Mars: how scientists prevent Earth’s microbes from contaminating other planets

Thomas Cheney is Lecturer in Space Governance within AstrobiologyOU, at The Open University. He is active in researching space law, policy and governance and his research focuses on planetary protection and environmental aspects of space governance, as well as space resources and property rights.

11th February 2021
Zoom cat

“I’m not a cat”, or, the joy of metamorphosis?

The video of lawyer, Rod Ponton, trapped in the online avatar of a cute kitten, earnestly imploring the judge of the 394th Judicial District Court in Texas, Roy B. Ferguson, that he is “not a cat”, is at once the funniest and most deeply affective Zoom Age moment. 

10th February 2021
Photo of Dr Hilary Collins

Researching the impact of Covid-19 on the future workplace

Dr Hilary Collins, a Senior Lecturer in Corporate Programmes for Executive Education, has received £7,500 to assess the impact of the pandemic on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements for organisational development in the UK.

10th February 2021

Page 9 of 11

Law in Motion: 50 Years of Legal Change

Law in Motion book cover

This book is a celebration of 50 Years of The Open University written by members of the Law School.

Read for free