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Hands in heart shape

Managing self-care as a researcher when investigating sensitive feminist topics with qualitative research

In this blogpost, PhD student Georgia Boyd, provides her top 3 tips for managing your emotional health when researching challenging topics.

24th July 2024

Report uncovers several areas that urgently need addressing in the investigations of rape and other sexual offences

Findings from Operation Soteria Bluestone, a report launched in 2021 as a response to the government End-to-End Rape Review, have revealed several areas that urgently need addressing in the investigations of rape and other sexual offences (RAOSO).

16th December 2022

‘Alternative’ weddings could become legally binding – report

An Open University academic’s research has helped pave the way for the possibility of ‘alternative-style’ weddings becoming legally binding.

4th August 2022

REF 2021 recognises 82% of OU research impact as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’

These results are a welcome acknowledgement of the impact of OU researchers’ work in transforming lives, shaping policy and tackling critical challenges across the UK's four nations and worldwide.

12th May 2022

No fault divorce: how the new law will reduce family conflict

The reform finally brings the divorce process into the 21st century.

12th April 2022

Governments, the law, and long-term issues for Ukrainian refugees

On average refugees around the world spend over 20 years in exile and some may not be able to eventually return at all.

12th April 2022
People on small boat

Helping humanitarian workers with their legal rights and obligations

An OU academic has received a British Academy/Leverhulme Grant to help humanitarian workers to understand complicated legal environments.

13th November 2020
The Royal Courts of Justice quiet in lockdown

The Open University Law School and Business School have launched a showcase for their COVID-19 research and reflections

The current pandemic has brought both threats and opportunities, overturning economic and social norms but also pointing towards new ways of doing things. In the OU’s Law and Business Schools, our response has been: what can we learn?

20th July 2020
couple getting married

Call for new regulations around civil weddings to avoid backlogs

An OU researcher calls for a change to regulations around civil wedding ceremonies so that more people can get married simply and inexpensively, and to avoid COVID-19 backlogs.

6th May 2020