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Dr Hayley Glover

Profile summary

Professional biography

Hayley is a Senior Lecturer working across both the Business and Law programmes. Hayley's scholarship interests focus on the areas of developing online pedagogy and issues of student retention, progression and success in a distance HE setting. 

Hayley's scholarship projects have explored how tutors approach and deliver effective online tutorials, how to best support students who choose to study at high or full-time intensity and an autoethnographic study exploring how OU tutors experienced teaching in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Her current research interest is focused on the changes to space and place in the blended post pandemic HE setting and the impact upon tutors and online pedagogy.

She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


‘Lost futures’, and undermined pasts of the pandemic; digital lecturers’ ghostly reflections of time, self, and the university (2025)
Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary and Glover, Hayley
Management Learning ((in press))

A moment in and out of time: precarity, liminality, and autonomy in crisis teaching (2024-01-16)
Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
Teaching in Higher Education, 29(3) (pp. 723-740)

Behind the digital curtain: a study of academic identities, liminalities and labour market adaptations for the ‘Uber-isation’ of HE (2022)
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Myers, Fran
Teaching in Higher Education, 27(2) (pp. 201-216)

Learner interrupted: understanding the stories behind the codes – a qualitative analysis of HE distance-learner withdrawals (2021)
Myers, Frances; Glover, Hayley and Stephens, Carey
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45(8) (pp. 1134-1146)

The Automation Game: technological retention activities and perceptions on changes to tutors’ roles and identity (2019)
Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Watson, Mor
Teaching in Higher Education, 24(4) (pp. 545-562)

Stop all the clocks: Narratives of independence, interdependence, and resistance in digital teaching when the everyday is every day (2023)
Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
In : BSA WES2023: British Sociological Association, Work Employment and Society Conference (13-15 Sep 2023, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK)

Imaging the pandemic: Higher Education tutors’ narratives and photographs of precarious online living and learning (2023)
Collins, Hilary; Myers, Fran and Glover, Hayley
In : SRHE International Research Conference 2023 (4-8 Dec 2023, Aston University, Birmingham, UK)

Teaching in the time of COVID-19: a timescape of online tutors’ lived experiences (2022)
Glover, Hayley; Collins, Hilary and Myers, Fran
In : EAIR 44th Annual Forum hosted by MCAST, Malta (4-7 Sep 2022, Malta)

Living in an (im)material world?: higher education enclosure and digital dispossession (2020)
Glover, Hayley; Collins, Hilary and Myers, Fran
In : EDUlearn20 (6-7 Jul 2020, online)

Winter is coming? Academic identity transitions for a digitized and precarious landscape. (2019)
Collins, Hilary; Jones Myers, Fran and Glover, Hayley
In : 5th EGOS Colloquium “Enlightening the Future: The Challenge for Organizations” (4-6 Jul 2019, Edinburgh)

“Frozen Moments” in the Digitisation of Higher Education Teaching - Self Photography as a Critical Ethnographic Approach to Evaluate Academic Identities in a Cross Cultural Setting (2018-11-12)
Jones Myers, F.; Glover, H. and Collins, H.
In : ICERI 2018 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (12-14 Nov 2018, Seville, Spain) (pp. 5546-5551)

Listening and Learning? Privileging the Student Voice in E-Learning Discourses Of Withdrawal: a Qualitative Analysis (2018-07-17)
Glover, Hayley; Jones Myers, Fran; Power, Bronagh; Stephens, Carey and Hardwick, Jane
In : e-LEARNING 2018 (17-19 Jul 2018, Madrid, Spain)

Academic Identities And The Digital Self? A Cross Cultural Study Of Digitisation In Higher Education Teaching. (2018-07-17)
Glover, Hayley; Jones Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
In : 12th International Conference on e-Learning (17-19 Jul 2018, Madrid, Spain)

The Automation Game: perceptions on the impact of the changes on business school tutors’ roles and identity during the introduction of technological student retention activities: an ‘unbundled’ HE. (2017-09-05)
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Jones Myers, Fran
In : British Academy of Management (BAM 2017) (5-7 Sep 2017, Warwick, University)

Rhetoric of the digitized faculty – a cross cultural ethnographic study of higher education lecturers at the cross-roads of pedagogic change (2017-07-03)
Glover, H.; Collins, H. and Myers, F.
In : 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (3-5 Jul 2017, Barcelona, Spain) (pp. 7735-7743)

Automation in distance learning: an empirical study of unlearning and academic identity change linked to automation of student messaging within distance learning (2016)
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Watson, Mor
In : 10th International IADIS E-learning conference (1-4 Jul 2016, Funchal, Madeira)

…You wouldn’t start from here: pandemic and post-pandemic teaching in higher education (2024-04-06)
Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary and Glover, Hayley
Taylor & Francis