In the first session on essay writing, we looked at the basic structure of a good essay. In this one we will consider the skills needed to help you write excellent essays.
What do tutors expect and look for in a first-rate essay and how do you achieve that? We break down the essay into its component parts and consider the content and structure expected in each of them.
There will be an interactive section where we look at what could go wrong, so you can build strategies to avoid common mistakes. One stage that makes the difference between a good and a top-notch essay is taking the time to edit and check what you have written. Editing is a crucial part of the writing process and we’ll discuss when and how to do it, so you can make your essay memorable for the right reasons.
It is helpful (but not essential) to have attended or watched the recording of the Introduction to essay writing (Beginners) workshop before attending this one.
Suitable for: Access, Level 1 and Level 2 students
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