The Identities, Citizenship and Justice Research Cluster of The Open University Law School is pleased to announce the introduction of our 2024 seminar series. The seminar series will look at issues relevant to the cluster.
Our cluster considers issues such as, what it means to belong or be excluded from community; the psychology of belonging; how identities are felt, formed, or socially constructed; what it means to be a citizen; how communities foster belonging through promotion of social good; and, immigration, asylum law and forced migration.
This presentation, which is based on qualitative research of 22 search and rescue (SAR) volunteers who save migrant lives at sea, examines the perceptions of these workers on measures used by state authorities to control them and their organisations. It argues that there is a myriad of measures used against SAR organisations and volunteers to deter, disrupt, delegitimise and de-operationalise them.
This presentation, which is based on Chiara Berneri’s book ‘Private sponsorship of refugees in Europe’, forthcoming in October 2024, focuses on the European experiences of private sponsorship of refugees. This research argues that private sponsorship programmes characterised by naming and additionality should be further explored and experimented in Europe. The study argues that this would be possible by balancing out private sponsors’ claims with state sovereignty, in matters such as welfare, integration and security.