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Land and Property Beyond the Centenary

Friday, May 16, 2025 - 10:00 to 17:00
Landscape of greenery and sky in Adwa, Ethiopia.

The centenary of the 1925 property statutes enacted in Westminster marks an opportunity to explore the legal history of land and property. The OU Legal Histories cluster is hosting a free, online conference on this theme on 16 May 2025.

We welcome papers relating to the following, non-exhaustive list of topics considering any jurisdiction, domestic or international:

  • The relationship between property and public law
  • Property, imperialism, and colonialism
  • Concepts and forms of ownership
  • Treaties relating to land
  • Indigenous concepts and perspectives on land systems and registers
  • The constitutive role of land systems and registers
  • Cultural and literary perspectives
  • Critical, doctrinal, feminist, Marxist, comparative, etc, approaches.

Please send an abstract of up to 250 words to by 28 March 2025.

For more information about the research cluster, select this link: Legal Histories research cluster webpage.

Further timings and links to attend the online conference TBC.

Figure acknowledgement: Photo by Caroline Derry of Adwa, Ethiopia.