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The Open University Law School App

Blog post by Emilio Kyprianou

Let's talk about the future of our law school at the Open University. I've been thinking about what the next 25 years might look like, especially with how technology keeps evolving. I've got this feeling that an app could be a game-changer for us.

Here's why:

Our online law school is at the cutting edge of online learning, but here's the thing - it's a bit tricky to get important info out to everyone. We rely a lot on email newsletters, but seriously, it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack sometimes. There are so many emails, from personal emails to social media updates, that the important law school news gets lost in the mix. And our news page? The widget only displays two posts before archiving the news items, which means news is easily buried.

Now, imagine if we had our very own app just for OU law students. Picture a space where all the important stuff is neatly organised - no more searching through a messy inbox or a very plain, and hard on the eyes, news page. One of the coolest things this app could feature is push notifications. That means when something important comes up, like an event or a networking opportunity, the app could ping us right away. No more worries about missing out on cool stuff just because we didn't check our email in time!

The proposed solution to our information dissemination challenges is a dedicated app tailored specifically for our law school community. This app would act as a comprehensive noticeboard; featuring essay competitions, legal openings, volunteer work, and networking events, which would be efficiently organised within this app under clearly defined headings. This categorisation ensures that every valuable opportunity is explicitly listed, fostering an environment where students can easily explore and engage with various facets of the legal field.

One of its key features would be a prominently placed calendar section on the homepage. Its strategic placement ensures that individuals with busy schedules could easily access and navigate this calendar, providing them with pertinent information without the risk of missing out due to buried emails or fleeting homepage mentions.

Having this app would change the game for us. We'd all be more connected, know what's going on, and stay organised with less hassle. And you know what's even better? it's a huge help for people who might find sorting through hundreds of emails tricky to handle or have specific needs like ADHD or colour blindness. Looking ahead, it’s not just about getting a fancy new tool; it's about making our law school life way smoother, more fun, and making sure nobody misses out on anything.

Moreover, envisioning the integration of this app into our academic modules presents an exciting prospect. The app could seamlessly link into the modules we're studying, potentially replacing the dated tutor group forums (forums were the thing back in the 1990s!) with a 21st-century social media-like platform. This transformation could redefine how we engage with our coursework, allowing us to collaborate, discuss, and share insights in a more contemporary and interactive manner.Here's to the next 25 years and all the gifts technology, especially an app could bring to our law school!


image Emilio Kyprianou

Emilio Kyprianou

Emilio is a second-year LLB Law student at The Open University and in his spare time enjoys off roading ATV’s and motorcycles.